Table of Contents

Bypass HTTPS

Since TlS/SSL that encrypts https is so difficult to crack, the easiest solution to getting into an https connection is to downgrade https to http.

We set up MITM and when the client requests the https version of the desired web site, we give him the https version.

HTTPS Hijack

MITM Attack using a BetterCap caplet: hstshijack

NOTE: This will downgrade any https connection to http as long as the target web site uses https not hsts.

Suggestion: modify your spoof.cap:

net.probe on
set arp.spoof.fullduplex true
set arp.spoof.targets  # change IP to target, use comma for multiple [REMOVE THIS COMMENT BEFORE USING]
arp.spooof on
set net.sniff.local true
net.sniff on

Run Bettercap with the custom spoof caplet:

bettercap -iface [interface name] -caplet /path/to/caplet.cap

Once you successfully run that (should have arp.spoof, net.probe/recon/sniff), run the hsts caplet:

HSTS Hijack

HSTS: HTTP Strict Transport Security

The only way around this is to make the browser think it is loading another web site.

Even with this hack, if the client/target types in, this will NOT work.

This will only work if the client/target uses a search engine that does not use https first to search for the site to access.