Table of Contents

Info Gathering

Post-Connection Attacks: After you connect to a newtork… the first thing you will likely want to do is know what is out there. Info gathering. Recon.

If you need a practice machine, download a free VM: Win10

Tools: Tools: netdiscover (simple) and nmap (more detailed)


netdiscover: quickly discover all devices connected to our network…

netdiscover -r  # -r sets range, /24 gives entire subnet


  1. IP Address
  2. MAC Address
  3. Vendor Info


ZenMap is a GUI frontend for Nmap.

Run: ``zenmap``

Installation Instructions: Zenmap is not being maintained upstream any longer therefore Kali dropped the package. Therefore, do the following…

1. Download the rpm labeled “Optional Zenmap GUI (all platforms)”

2. If you haven't already, install Alien:

apt install alien dpkg-dev debhelper build-essential<\code>

3. Convert the rpm to debian format:

<code>alien packagename.rpm

4. Use dpkg to install the shiny new .deb package:

dpkg -i packagename.deb


This is the mother of all tools… Buy and read The Book.